JESSICA FITZGIBBONSLikes: beach, sushi, tennis, llamas
Dislikes: being cold, negativity, cockroaches Enneagram: 7 Originally from North Carolina, Jess earned her Bachelor's degree in Business Marketing from Appalachian State University and her Master's Degree in Higher Education from The University of Texas at Austin. She has spent the majority of her career in the career coaching and recruiting space. Foster care initiatives have always held a special place in her heart and when she came across the opportunity to engage with volunteers and the community at Atlanta Angels, she knew this was meant to be. She's looking forward to building new partnerships and relationships in the greater Atlanta area to expand our reach. When she's not wrangling her dog, two small children, and enjoying time with her husband John, Jess loves playing Alta tennis, traveling to new cities, listening to live music, Bunco, themed party planning, and volunteering at the local elementary school. |